NONPROFITSCARE OREGON & ASSOCIATESDOJ Clatsop CountyDOJ Columbia CountyTillamook County Health CareCOMMUNITYCommunity CarrotCouncil for a Strong AmericaCohen Veterans CenterDavid HarshFulcrum FoundationHorn Of Africa Services (HOAS)India CurrentsKitsap Humane SocietyPOCAANSouthern California Youth for ChristVolunteer Hospice of Clallam CountyCOMMUNITY - YMCAsArmed Services YMCA-Alaska Olympic Peninsula YMCA - YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap CountyEDUCATIONBay State CollegeHerzl-Ner Tamid (HNT)Maryland University of Integrative HealthTeachers of Color FoundationThe Rosa Family (College readiness and assessing colleges)HEALTHDepartment of Health - Birth Equity ProjectInstitute for Natural MedicineSeattle Children’s FoundationHOUSING AND HOMELESS INITIATIVESA Community of FriendsCommunity PassagewaysJ2HousingTeen FeedResource Development Group (formerly UpLift)We Deliver CareMENTAL HEALTHDads MOVEThe Domestic Violence ShelterHolman Recovery CenterIsuroonRed Horse Center for LeadershipTempo Group Counseling ServicesOUTDOOR RECREATION / ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACYAmerican Packrafting DamSenseSERVING PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS21st Century DadsCamelot SocietySoar Special Needs FOR PROFITSKels Café & BarLana Eisenbarth Real Estate Lana Rose StudioMysti's Adult and Family ServicesPure Dream ProductionsSpencer Forest ProductsTammira, LLCThe Home Building Energy Efficient Academy (THBEEA)